Monday, April 10, 2017

Provo City Council Work Meeting, 4-11-2017

Work Meeting
12:00 PM, Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Room 310, City Conference Room
351 W Center, Provo, UT


Roll Call
Approval of Minutes


1. An introduction to the future City Recorder (17-053)

2. A request for a resolution appropriating $1,040,000 in the General Fund for acquisition of 4.15 acres of property generally located at 320 North Geneva Road. (17-056)

3. A discussion on recommendations from the DAPR Committee regarding land use agenda noticing (17-052)

4. A discussion on the Ice Sheet Authority (17-055)

Policy Items Referred from the Planning Commission

5. A discussion on an ordinance amending Provo City Code to adopt minimum dwelling unit sizes in the DT1, DT2, and ITOD Zones. (16-0021OA)

6. A discussion on an ordinance amending Provo City Code with regard to development and subdivision plan application submittal requirements and expiration deadlines. (16-0020OA)

7. A discussion on budget appropriations for Public Works (17-058)

8. A presentation from the Water Division (17-039)

9. A presentation on the Airport Master Plan (17-051)


Closed Meeting

10. The Municipal Council or the Governing Board of the Redevelopment Agency will consider a motion to close the meeting for the purposes of holding a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation, and/or to discuss the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property, and/or the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual in conformance with � 52-4-204 and 52-4-205 et. seq., Utah Code.


Informal discussion may be held in the Council Conference Room between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm.
Materials and Agenda:
Council Blog:

If you have a comment regarding items on the agenda, please email or write to Council Members. Their contact information is listed on the Provo website at:

The next scheduled Regular Council Meeting will be held on 04/18/2017 at 5:30 PM in the Council Chambers, 351 West Center Street, Provo, unless otherwise noticed.
 Notices are provided as a courtesy. All legally required notices can be found on the Utah Public Meeting Notice website. Comments and questions about City Council agendas should be directed to the Council Office at (801) 852-6120.